

[sigplus] Critical error: Insufficient memory to carry out the requested operation on root/images/arxius/ampa/fotos/benvinguda2013/DSC05357.JPG, 5760000 bytes required, -12320768 bytes available.

[sigplus] Critical error: Insufficient memory to carry out the requested operation on root/images/arxius/ampa/fotos/benvinguda2013/DSC05357.JPG, 5760000 bytes required, -12320768 bytes available.

Aqui teniu algunes fotos de la festa de benvinguda d´enguany... ens ho vam passar d'allò més bé!


{gallery slider=boxplus.transition animation=5000 height=600 width=600}/arxius/ampa/fotos/benvinguda2013{/gallery}